FAQs 0-2 and 2 Year Children

Each child has their own individual care plan drawn up at the induction visit before your child starts and settling in sessions are arranged. Children will often cry when hungry, tired, or unwell. We would let you know if your child was crying inconsolably.

Children often behave differently when away from home so this might not be needed at the nursery. We talk about sleep at the induction visit and assess needs with you. We aim for children to sleep in cots or mats although don’t expect this straight away. No child is left without sleep for the day.

Food will be given only as you wish. You may also bring in your own food for your child.

Children can attend in cloth nappies, however, we have limited safe storage space for soiled nappies and so please ask about this when booking a place.

Parents can come and go as they please throughout the day. We only ask parents to avoid meal times and you may be asked to wait and/or have a handover in the hallway during these times.

You are able to name others to collect your child. We use a password and ask for a description or photo of the person collecting.

Two sleeps is recommended for children aged 9 – 16 months. Sleep times for very young children are mid-morning and mid–afternoon or anytime that is needed. Grouping children of similar ages gives us the ability to meet similar sleep needs and although children may start with variations times often merge.

We do not work rigidly to a sleep time for children. We manage this by grouping children of similar ages which gives us the ability to provide for their needs similarly without compromising care.

The two year room is set up for rest and quiet after lunch.
Each age group has a separate area for quiet with cushions, mats and blankets to rest. Children can rest as they wish throughout the day.

Nappies are changed three times daily as a minimum, and as and when needed with any soiling.

The nursery works diligently to meet the safeguarding requirement and management receive advanced training. Safeguarding is reflected in all practice at the nursery and forms much of our work each day. Safe recruitment is strictly adhered to with checks completed before someone starts at the nursery. There are no opportunities to be alone with children for any length of time and the busy nursery environment combined with the arrangement of children’s rooms aid this. We have a CCTV system which supports safeguarding practice to keep both children and staff safe.

FAQs Pre-School Children

1:4 for children aged two and 1:8 aged three and above is the statutory minimum requirement. The nursery works above this requirement.

Changes happen three times daily as a minimum and, as and when needed with any soiling, also routinely before and after sleeping.

The two year room is set up for rest and quiet after lunch for older children needing a sleep. The children sleep in their clothing with shoes off, on padded mats on the floor. Some children have a cot.

Daily information is available through the ParentZone App (ParentZone).

Children learn about behaviour by way of example from positive role models. We manage any behaviour incidents appropriately in line with our Behaviour Policy at the time they happen. We talk to you and let you know if there is a concern about behaviour. We ask parents to follow our Behaviour Policy at home for a uniform approach.

Children are observed in a play activity and achievements recorded. Further learning is planned based on each child’s developmental stage.

Singing is an activity initiated by us at least twice a day and encouraged throughout the day. Musical instruments and story-phones are available. Yoga classes held twice weekly.

A diverse range of resources are available to the children. Speech and language are fundamental to learning and incorporated in activities which are both adult led and child led based on children’s interests. Makaton is encouraged with children to help communicate needs.

The garden area is for gross motor exercise. Yoga classes held twice weekly.

Daily information about activities is given on ParentZone (ParentZone). We routinely ask for information about your child’s interests at home. Parents are encouraged to join in at story and circle times reading a story and talking to the children. Please also look at Planning Assessment and ParentZone.

The nursery works diligently to meet the safeguarding requirement and management receive advanced training. Safeguarding is reflected in all practice at the nursery and forms much of our work each day. Safe recruitment is strictly adhered to with checks completed before someone starts at the nursery. There are no opportunities to be alone with children for any length of time and the busy nursery environment combined with the arrangement of children’s rooms aid this. We have a CCTV system which supports safeguarding practice to keep both children and staff safe.

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